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Microsoft Office, Operating SystemMicrosoft Office, Operating System - System:
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Microsoft Activation Scripts ( MAS ) 2.6 Latest is A collection of scripts for activating Microsoft products using HWID / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods with a focus on open-source code, less antivirus detection and user-friendliness.
HWID Activation[Downlevel & Lockbox Method]
KMS38 Activation[With protection & Uninstallation option]
Online KMS Activation[Batch file based, no KMS related .dll .exe required]
$OEM$ Folder For Preactivation
Activation Troubleshoot
Insert Windows 10-11 HWID Key
Change Windows 10-11 Edition
Available in All In One & Separate Files Version
What’s new
Support added for Windows build 22483 and later (No wmic.exe issue)
Support added for ARM64 architecture in all the scripts
Made sure script run fine where path variables are misconfigured in system
Made sure script run fine from UNC path
Improved text coloring method
Script would show an error if ran directly from archive files
Scripts would make sure to start from the system’s main architecture process
All read me files are shifted to online for better update
New discord channelhttps://discord.gg/gjJEfq7ux8 and new main homepagehttps://windowsaddict.ml/ added
Various cosmetic improvements and bug fixes
HWID Support added for CloudEdition/N, IoTEnterpriseS editions. (IoTEnterpriseS key will be used to activate EnterpriseS 2021)
KMS38 support added for all new Windows 10-11 and Server’s, KMS capable edition’s including core and acor editions
HWID with Lockbox ticket option is added
x86-x64 Lockbox slc.dll is created by @mspaintmsi, @qxkqf ported it to ARM64 slc.dll
KMS38 Protection and KMS38 uninstall option is added
Ticket generation option is added
Improved key detection logic, now it can support custom build editions
Fixed issues where in certain languages OS’s, script would show incorrect status of services
Improved script options if required key is not found in script
Improved script options if an edition is not supporting HWID currently but may support in future
Online KMS
All related scripts are merged in one in separate files version, with onscreen choice options
KMS server selection process is improved to make it fail-proof, server numbers are increased to 16
Improved error handling and display messages
From now on, KMS server IP address will be used for activation instead of hostname to avoid detection by AV’s and MS
While using manual mode (no renewal task), a non-existent IP will be left in registry to avoid Office non genuine banner issue
For renewal task, a separate small script will be used to only renew activation, instead of running full script, every week
Base script is updated to use abbodi1406’s latest KMS_VL_ALL-45u (09-Jan-2022)
Major changes-
Support added for Windows 10 ARM64, Office 2021, all new Windows and Server editions
VBS method will be used for WMI in Windows build 22483 and later
Enhanced detection for Office C2R vNext subscriptions
Check Activation Status[wmi] will show vNext subscriptions status using vNextDiag.ps1 (require Powershell / WMF 4 or later on Windows 7)
Various fixes for Office activation
This new script is added in root folder to verify files with hashes and to remove Zone.Identifier from files (to prevent SmartScreen warnings)
Activation Troubleshoot
This new script is added in Extras section to deal with activation issues. Various options are added with proper onscreen info and warning’s.
Now it can change the Windows editions from Core to Non core too with proper error handling. Works on Windows build 10240 and later